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Little Caliphs Sri Petaling

Little Caliphs Sri Petaling
149-2, Jalan Radin Bagus, Sri Petaling, 57000, Kuala Lumpur
Bandar Baru Sri Petaling , 57000 ,
Kuala Lumpur ,
Phone: 60192245277
Email: caliphs.sripetaling@gmail.com
Contact Person: Pn. Juliana
Student to Teacher Ratio (Example 8:1):
Average Age Range of Students:
Meal Provided (Yes/No):
Registration Fees (RM):
Schooling Hours:
Unique Features:
All praises only due to Allah SWT. Solawat and Salam to our beloved Nabi Muhammad, his family, and his companions. Welcome to Little Caliphs Kindergarten. • Little Caliphs Kindergarten is your neighborhood Islamic-English-Creative kindergarten and child enrichment center that helps your pre-school children to realize their best spiritual, cognitive, socio-emotional and physical potential. • Unlike other conventional child center, this kindergarten applies The Little Caliphs Program™, a proven Islamic-English-Creative content and methodologies for teaching the children the meaningful foundation of Islam, learning and living skills. • Our mission: o `To instill the love of Islam and knowledge to young children` o `To give young learners a wonderful and effective learning experiences using best practices in early childhood education` •Our vision: Little Caliphs Kindergarten becomes synonym to the most preferred pre-school education in the community due to its consistent high quality services and outcome. PreSchool Program (KG1/KG2/Pra Tahfiz) Opening Times 9.00am to 12.00pm (Morning Session) 2.00pm – 5.00pm (Afternoon Session) extended to 6.30pm (Full Day Program) Total Annual and Monthly Fees- Kindly arrange your appointment with us or visit our Opening day Language Medium- English Day Care service- Yes Transportation services- Yes Jazakallahukhairan
Date added: 2012-10-14 22:01:40    Hits: 7512

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